Hold Hospitals Accountable

The Care4Fresno campaign is dedicated to ensuring that public dollars are allocated equitably and with proper oversight, guaranteeing all Fresno County residents have access to quality healthcare when they need it, where they need it.

We believe everyone deserves access to high-quality healthcare, especially our most vulnerable patients. Our efforts seek to raise awareness, track local hospital spending, and ensure taxpayer dollars are used to benefit the entire community-especially those most vulnerable.

We invite you to explore our website, read our lawsuit, share your stories, learn more about how our hospitals should better serve your healthcare needs, and find out how you can help drive change!

Have you been impacted by the financial neglect at Fresno CRMC?

We want to hear from you.


California Healthcare System headed for Crisis

From aging buildings, lack of upstream healthcare solutions, and underfunded community care to a shortage of primary care physicians, staffing issues, and a two-tiered healthcare system, California’s hospitals have a significant problem on their hands.


Change starts with knowledge

Watch videos, read articles, and download content on our resources page

Get Involved

We are stronger together!

Connect with community organization partners and reach out to elected officials.

Fresno BHC has a robust network of community partners that specialize in the holistic well-being of our most vulnerable communities.